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Our very own Paparoa Track builder

Wednesday, February 17th, 2021

At the beach camp we have a real expert on the Paparoa Track, one who helped build it.

Tim got a job straight out of school working as part of the Department of Conservation team which built the Moonlight Tops section of the Great Walk.

Not a bad way to start life on the outside!

Tim says it was an amazing job. “I got to work in my backyard and build something that’s going to be here for a long long time “It was an epic place to work, very rewarding.”

At times they worked in snow for seven day stretches to get the work done, staying in existing huts and mountain biking to site in the mornings.

Tim’s work mates came from France, the Czech Republic and the US as well as NZ. He learnt heaps from them, he says.

This included techniques the old timers who built the pack tracks for miners used such as swales (rock culverts).

The existing swales had proved their worth by still being in good order over a century after they were built. 

Copying old methods also means the new parts of the track blend with existing sections.


Tim says they did a lot of environmental rehab up there too. 

If plants had to be dug out they were replanted on the inside edge of the track after sections were built which saved them and lessened landscape scarring.

So when you’re riding or walking through, keep an eye out for his work!

Coffee and whitebait, what’s not to love?

Wednesday, January 13th, 2021

If you’re one of those people who likes to start the day with primo caffeination we’ve news for you.

Right here in the Punakaiki Beach Camp we have a most excellent coffee cart serving up flat whites, lattes, short blacks, long blacks, name your choice.

Each and every morning, from about 7 onwards, our resident barista Dion can be found behind his espresso machine.

Customers enjoying an morning brew in the sun.

What a way to start the day with the scent of coffee in the air and the sounds of the sea lapping on the shore.

The cart is under the big pohutukawa at the top of the green space near the kitchen block. Come on over, get yourself a coffee and enjoy the view.

The cart’s open for coffee till about 10am when Dion moves on to stand up paddle boarding tours.

Pete takes over the reins in the afternoon.

In the afternoons Pete the whitebaiter takes over the cart reins.

From 4pm onwards it’s your chance to get a whitebait sammie, made with the Coast’s finest.

If whitebait’s not your thing Pete also whips up a mean frankfurter. 

Punakaiki moves into dark times!

Friday, December 18th, 2020

Westland petrel chicks are leaving the nest for the first time between November and January and can be disorientated by lights and poor weather at the very start of their long journey to South America.

90% of petrels found downed due to disorientation by lights are fledglings. Tragically, many are disorientated by vehicle or street lights and come down on roads. Black birds on a black road at night are highly likely to be involved in a collision and are often killed. They also need height to launch themselves, so if they come down on the road, they are likely to be stranded.

NZ Transport Agency have recognised this issue and have agreed to trial the switching off of Punakaiki street lights on SH6 for the most critical period, 8th November to 8th January.

Punakaiki Road where lights will be turned off. Photo: Richard Rossiter

You can also help!

If you are on coast roads, particularly around Punakaiki, during November, December and/or January, but also again in March/April, and especially at night, please keep your eyes out for these large black seabirds.

The Department of Conservation has produced some guidance so that you can help.

First of all, if you live in the Punakaiki/Barrytown area, avoid leaving outdoor lights on and close curtains and blinds at night.  For the benefit of these and other birds such as penguins, keep dogs secure at home.

Secondly, if you find a stranded petrel:

  • If possible, move them away from danger – off the road in particular if safe to do so.  Take care as they have a nasty bite, so gently put a towel over them or use gloves – or phone the 0800 DOC Hot line, 0800 362 468 for assistance.
  • Place the bird in large cardboard box or similar with air holes and…
  • If you’re in the Punakaiki area, take to the petrel drop off boxes at DOC’s Punakaiki Visitor Centre, and call 03 7311 895 if after hours and leave a message noting where and when found etc.
  • If further away, phone 0800 DOCHot so that DOC can arrange collection.
  • Do not attempt to release the bird yourself.  Birds need to be checked by a DOC ranger to ensure they are in good health prior to release.

Thank you for helping these wonderful birds – birds that only breed in this area on the West Coast.

Punakaiki Beach Camp – #1 for your holiday list

Friday, December 18th, 2020

Don’t know how it is with you but spring’s sprung here at Punakaiki. The tui are scrapping over the early kowhai, the neighbour’s daffodils are out and – yippee – the days are getting longer.

Summer’s really just around the corner and that means another epic kiwi holiday season is coming. Here at the Punakaiki Beach Camp we’re already gearing up.

Our regulars are booked in and we’re getting plenty of enquiries about our new Riverside cabins, tent sites and powered sites, especially for Christmas/New Year. No surprise really – who wouldn’t want to spend their holidays at our place?!

Relax in the Paparoa National Park

We’ve got it all. This summer will be the first full season that the Paparoa Track is open for mountain bikers and hikers between Punakaiki and Blackball. The Great Walk- just across the road from the beach camp – is like no other.

There’s subtropical rainforest, limestone landscapes, views to the Tasman Sea and the Southern Alps. Awesome, in the true sense of the word. What’s even better is that if you stay with us we can sort out your track transport, relocate your car etc. Too easy.

If that’s not your thing check out the standup paddle boards for a trip up the Pororari River. Dion from ‘Get Native’ here at the camp offers incredible tours every day.

His two hour trip takes you along the mystical Pororari river and around its lagoon.

If you like the sound of the river but prefer dry land take a stroll up the Pororari Valley. It’s been described as one of the most beautiful half day walks in the country.

The start is a two minute walk from the camp (five mins if you’re slow!). The track winds through the bush along the riverside, surrounded on all sides by dramatic limestone cliffs.

Then there’s the Truman Track, also within walking distance of our place. After taking you through old growth forest the track emerges onto a headland with stunning views up and down the coast.The beach below is accessible at low tide so you can get close to the waterfall which cascades down to the sand. There are rock pools, and caves to explore or simply gaze at the awesome limestone formations.

Truman Track

And let’s not forget the famous Pancake Rocks just a 15 minute walk up the road from the camp. Head up there for high tide and see the blowholes blast off.So if you don’t want to miss out on your epic Kiwi holiday, contact us now and get ready to enjoy our piece of paradise.PS: We’re right beside the beach so bring your surf board.